Nov 9, 2007

Learning to Love

One of the hardest realities to accept in life is that we can't force others to love us. We have to simply love them and hope they will love us in return. We have to learn to trust, believe and rest. I've spent many years worrying about the one's I love not loving me back. I've wasted hours fretting that their words of love will come back empty, leaving me abandoned and alone.

If my love was perfect then there would be no fear, for perfect love cast's out all fear. I have to allow Christ to love through me, a sacrificial love that I receive from Him daily. I have to give my love to others without any expectations.

Like I said, one of the hardest lessons in life is learning we can't force others to love us in return. But, when we find out the ones we love do love us and we choose to trust instead of fear, nothing in life is sweeter.


Marci Day said...

That's AWESOME Casey! I know through our struggles, God brings us out on the other side even stronger, our focus clearer! Amazing.

Love you Case!

Ashley Nay said...

i dont know what to say.... im laughing with the irony of it all. Love you! I will always love you!

Mindy said...

I love you, Casey. Thank you for writing this blog. It is so what I needed to hear. One month, one month.