Jan 1, 2010


Another new year has begun...

I'm wondering what will happen in this new year to come. What changes will occur and what things will stay the same? It's good to have both change and consistency; I don't know if we could live a healthy life without one or the other.

I'm very thankful for the many, many blessings the Lord has given me. I know I could not count them all, especially since many blessings are unseen. God takes care of me and He gives me above and beyond what I need...because He loves me.

It's easy for us...for me to dwell on the negative...but there is so much more to be thankful for. I pray that the Lord's goodness would truly follow me all the days of my life and that I would forever sing His praises. Here's to a new year full of hope and possibilities from a God that is full of surprises.

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