Jan 26, 2010

Really, Really

For the past couple of months God has been gradually building a word in my heart…meditate. It keeps creeping into my thoughts and in scriptures and in what people say and what I read. It’s been everywhere! I just love it when God does that. I love it when He speaks to us over time and through different venues until we go…aha!

I think most of us can say that we know meditating on God's Word is important and that we should do it. But how many of us really do it on a regular basis? I mean...really, really do it until it seeps down into our bones and we literally feel as though we are part of the Scripture? I realize how I can read the Word and not always meditate on it, chew it, savor it, and contemplate it. I love to read God’s Word because I know, that I know, that I know it’s Truth…but I still at times rush through it, thinking that somehow it will just soak into my heart because I really want it to.

All throughout scripture it speaks about meditating on God’s Word and on His character. I think it’s pretty important for us to not just discipline ourselves to read God’s Word daily but also to really think about it…all day long. Isn’t it better to understand and meditate on one scripture than it is to read three chapters and not remember any of it?

Psalm 119:15
I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways…

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