Mar 31, 2010


I wonder what makes us push and strive for beauty? Is it the media? Is it insecurity? Is it competition with other beautiful women? What is it that drives us to madness? (Or with some women they can’t take the pressure anymore and just throw in the towel with make-up and tweezers to follow.)

I think deep down each girl knows…in the very depths of her soul that she was meant to be beautiful. We just don’t quite understand how. We know and hear inner beauty is more important than outer beauty…we even read it in the Bible so we know it’s true. But it also talks about the physical beauty of a Beloved in Psalm of Psalms…or the beauty of Rachel, Sarah, Esther, and Bathsheba. So, someone noticed these women’s features and put them down on paper for goodness sake!

So what does this all mean? I’m still figuring it out. But I think I’m learning that it’s okay to want to be beautiful as long as I’m not consumed with it. I will grow old. I will wrinkle. My hair will turn gray (underneath the dye of course). And my skin will sag (yikes).

But nothing can top an elderly women whose smile can light up a room and make the youngest of men blush in awe of their wisdom, character, and

I do long to be beautiful and I will always pamper myself…even when I’m 100. But I also look forward to the day when my gray hair and laughing lines light up the room because Jesus is behind it all.

1 comment:

marci said...

Really good! I've been thinking along those lines lately as well! Heheh great minds think a like, or maybe it's like minds think alike! :) You are beautiful inside and out and nothing can change that!