Sep 24, 2009

Amish Bread

“Do you want a zip lock baggie full of Amish bread stuff that you squeeze for ten days?” asked Keith as he strolled through the office.

“Huh?” I asked thinking I was most certain to never have heard that question before in my life.

“My wife wants to know if you want a starter for Amish Friendship Bread that you have to let ferment for ten days. Then you mix more ingredients with it and bake it and eat it! It’s really good.”

So…I said what any sensible girl would say, “sure!”

Now I have a zip lock bag full of starter goodness. I’m actually quite excited about this new adventure I’m embarking on…and even more excited that I get to eat it in the end! What could be better than a ten day goal that you get to eat? Not much I would say. Bon appetite!

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