Sep 23, 2009

Goal...Day One

So…I’ve decided to set a small goal for myself…I’m going to try and blog every work day. I need a new purpose, a new hobby…even if it’s as small as blogging. I realized this a few days ago and have been rolling ideas in my head ever since. I’ll get to work a little early, or stay a little late and blog away! I don’t have internet at home so weekends are out unless I get to a computer. I know…we live in the dark ages or something like that. We don’t have a TV either. Call the weirdo patrol! But, we actually love not having a TV. It’s very liberating. You should try it!

So this is day one of my new goal/hobby. Hope all my faithful readers enjoy this new obsession of mine…all faithful twelve or so readers that is…but hey, it’s something. (Thank you, reader!)

Stay tune for more exciting news tomorrow. I’m sure it will change your life.

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