Oct 8, 2009

eyeball dilema

I’m squinting…a lot. I really don’t want to have to wear glasses ALL the time. I have reading glasses that I wear on occasion. I’m not very good at wearing them when I should because they are not that strong of a prescription so I can get away with it. Lately even wearing those hasn't been preventing me from squinting. I think the time has come for me to bite the bullet and get stronger glasses or contacts. I never thought I’d have to be one of those people who have to stick a weird piece of plastic in their eye every day. What if my eye rejects it and spits it out and then I have to go on hands and knees crawling around looking for it like I’ve seen so many people do?

I guess I’ll just have to be brave and conclude that it’s more important to see then it is to worry about sticking my finger into my eyeball every morning. I can do this.

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