Sep 22, 2007

Texas...Day 2

It's past 3am and I look at Ashley with a glazed over stare. We both smile and realize that for the past five hours we've come up with the same conclusion we knew five hours earlier. "Somehow, I feel better though," Ashley says as she hugs a pillow.

"Yeah, me too," I nod and giggle.

We all have fears, doubts, frustrations and times of weakness. But what I've come to learn and to understand is everything in life continually brings us back to one question. "Do I really believe in God?"

Is His word true? Are His promises true? All His promises inluding the one's where He says we will suffer and know pain. If I say I believe then I have to accept all of Him. If I say I believe I have to live through the good and the bad. If I say I believe then I have to keep trusting even if I never receive what I desire.

"Do I really believe?"

I'm thankful to have friends in my life that are willing to spend five hours of their time with me only to arrive where we started. Yet, with deeper understanding and more determination then before we can still say..."Yes, I do believe."

1 comment:

Ashley Nay said...

WOW it really was like that. I love talking in circles with you!