Sep 28, 2007

Worry Shmirry

Jesus says to not worry about anything, and yet we all do. I spend so much wasted time and energy worrying about things I can't control because I'm afraid of what "might" happen. What if? What if I allow myself to trust and get abandoned again? What if I can't make enough money? What if I end up old and alone? What if I never live up to the potential the Lord intented? What if I make a life changing mistake? What if I fail? What will people think? What if this is it? What if my dreams never come true?

On and on and on...right?

In the back of my mind I can hear the Holy Spirit saying, "Do not worry, do not fret. I will take care of you." How easily I push the voice of truth out of my mind and choose to let the enemies voice in.

So, what is there to say? I guess we all worry. We all have fears, hurts and issues. We all do. But, God promises to take care of us. He promises to turn any situation into something good, something beautiful even. He turns our ashes into beauty. So, let us throw away the lies of the enemy and grab onto hope. Let us grab onto truth. Let us cling to the good and reject the bad. We're all in this thing called life together. If I can do it, believe me, anyone can.


Glory Revealed said...

You are definitely not alone in your battle with worry. I really identify with your post. My mom and I have memorized parts of Philippians 4 together. That helps a lot. Whenever one of us starts to worry, we remind each other of what the Bible says about it.

Ashley Nay said...

ahahah another topic that ashley and casey... talk about " ALL THE TIME" :b

Anonymous said...

Wow...that really makes you think. "What if's" can be hard to let go of! Thanks for your thoughts!!!